Monday, September 7, 2009

Chinese Scientists Record 40 Minutes of Clear UFO Footage

According to Chinese TV, Chinese scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing are claiming that they have recorded clear UFO footage while observing total solar eclipse on July 22. Observatory director Ji Hai-sheng says they need to study it:

Purple Mountain Observatory and Chinese Academy of Sciences said that during the July 22 total solar eclipse observation, China had discovered near the sun, by observing staff, an unidentified object, it's physical nature remains to be further studied. Currently manpower is being organized to deal with this data, complete the data analysis and reveal the scientific results and this will take at least one year's time to finalize.

According to Chinese television, students captured the phenomenon with their cameras—shown in the article—claiming that the object appeared as a "glowing blue sphere," and then changed its shape repeatedly.

We will have to wait until the Purple Mountain Observatory releases the actual video, as well as their conclusions. Until then, I am going to go with the standard a) venus lights, b) morning gas, c) dim-sum advertising blimp, d) all of the above.

Disney To Acquire Marvel Entertainment for $4 Billion


According to the New York Times (via Topless Robot), Disney has agreed to acquire Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion in cash and stock. This deal gives Disney rights to over Marvel’s 5,000+ characters, not to mention control over Marvel’s licensing, publishing, and film production capabilities. This acquisition is interesting for many reasons, not the least of which is that one year ago Marvel re-upped its contract with Paramount to distribute its next five films, including Iron Man 2, The Avengers, and Thor, among others. Furthermore, there are a plethora of loose ends, licensing-wise, that Disney will have to contend with before this deal starts to show its true worth.

Undoubtedly, the effects of this massive shift in the entertainment industry will be felt for quite some time. This is one of the largest acquisitions in Disney’s recent history, surpassed only by its acquisition of Pixar for $7.4 billion in 2006 (and I think it’s safe to say that deal had a pretty significant impact on both companies involved).

[Via /Film]