Thursday, March 25, 2010

Design the iPad Apps You Really Want to See

Design the iPad Apps You Really Want to See

Seeing what Instapaper is going to look like on the iPad kind of sold me on the entire device. Now I just want to see what more apps will look like on Apple's tablet. Let's design some dream apps!

Mock up either iPad versions of your favorite current apps or any app that you really want to see on the iPad. Send your best entries to me at contests@gizmodo.comwith iPad Apps in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs or GIFs under 800k in size, and use a FirstnameLastname.jpg naming convention using whatever name you want to be credited with. Send your work to me by next Tuesday morning, and I'll pick three top winners and show off the rest of the best in our Gallery of Champions. Get to it!

CBS testing HTML5 iPad video out in the open, sorry Flash

Hey Dan, ever heard of a staging area to do your testing? Apparently not judging by the screenshot above.MacRumors took that "iPad - test - dan config - 3" content from the homepage for a spin and discovered what appears to be HTML5 (not Flash) video. A bit more sleuthing reveals several "webkit" (the foundation of the iPad's and iPhone's mobile Safari browser) calls after peeling open the CSS. This suggests that CBS is preparing to serve up parallel HTML5 content with the launch of the notoriouslyFlash-less iPad -- take that Hulu -- becoming yet another high-profile company swayed into providing video and other content in an Apple friendly format. Then again, maybe CBS is just testing a "what if" scenario with no intention of moving this into production any time soon. US netizens can try it themselves by setting your browser to spoof the iPad's user agent and hitting the source below (for as long as it lasts) but you'll need the iPad SDK Simulator to view the actual HTML5 videos.