Monday, February 22, 2010
How Developers Really Feel About Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7 could save Microsoft's mobile future, but what do developersthink about it? BeeJive's CEO Kai Yu: "I think it's just royally fucked. That place is so big: The tools, the people, it's all so fragmented."
The one developer Wired talked to who was actually kinda up on Windows Phone 7, Pageonce, was still hesitant about the fact the dev tools might use Microsoft's Silverlight tech: ""Silverlight, geez," he said. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water."
Given the way some developers feel Microsoft's mistreated them in the past—and the way they've basically killed the current Windows Mobile platform—Microsoft's got a ton of sweet talking to do if they wanna be on the same playing field as other platforms when it comes to apps. [Gadget Lab]