Download the iOS 4 GM Seed / iPhone OS 4.0 GM AND iTunes 9.2 beta here!
Download iOS4/iPhone OS 4.0 GM after the jump. You can download the IPSW for all devices from several different mirrors. We also have links for iTunes 9.2 beta (Mac only). Enjoy!
If you plan on taking these links and using them on your own site (or something), then please link to us as a source. Use this link:
You DO NOT have to have your UDID registered for this to work, but you DO need iTunes 9.2 beta for it to work, which is currently Mac only. Sorry Windows users! You’ll have to wait for iTunes 9.2 beta, or you can use somebody’s Mac for half an hour. BUT THEN, you’ll still need iTunes 9.2 to sync your device (most likely), so it’s probably best to wait for the Windows version of iTunes 9.2 beta.
*How To Install*
It’s quite simple. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the iTunes 9.2 beta for Mac OS X as well as downloading your firmware for your device, simply ALT+Click on the “Restore” button in iTunes (make sure you click on your device once in the left sidebar), and find the IPSW file you’ve downloaded. Let it restore, and within 10-15 minutes, you’ll be on 4.0. Why do you have to restore? Ask Apple. Maybe there’s too many differences in 3.0>4.0? And don’t ask when the Windows version will be out. Nobody knows, but I think that it’ll be on on June 21st along with the public release of iOS 4.
*Follow me on Twitter*
iTunes 9.2 Beta, 69.62MB
iOS 4 GM seed – iPhone 3GS, 377.81MB
iOS 4 GM seed – iPhone 3G, 292.3MB
iOS 4 GM seed – iPod Touch 3G, 356.53MB
iOS 4 GM seed – iPod Touch 2G, 308.74MB
Remember: Use these at your own risk!
Enjoying iOS 4? Follow me on Twitter and add me on Game Center (Valorgu). Also, don’t forget to buy the iPhone 4 when it comes out on the 24th!